Travel does far more for a person than just fill their passport with stamps.

Travel gives you the opportunity to turn Dreams into Reality.

There is something profound that happens in our minds when we travel; that something, is priceless.  

I believe… travel keeps our dreams alive AND keeps us dreaming!

Think about those destinations you’ve visited after years of dreaming about them. The feelings and emotions that arose from turning those dreams into a reality, I would argue, keeps the act of dreaming alive. When most people return home from an incredible trip it doesn’t take too long before they start dreaming up their next destination.

By achieving something that you’ve wanted so badly for yourself you start to have faith in your ability to make your dreams come true. Then, suddenly, you realize dreaming isn’t such a silly thing that only kids get to do.

What a beautiful thing that is; so simple yet so impactful!

The type of dreaming I am driving at here is closely tied to creating a bucket list. In the past, I never put too much stock in the idea of having a bucket list. To be honest, I found the idea a bit unnecessary.

I thought, “I know all the things I want to see and do already. Why do I need to actually make a list of them?”

Over time though, I’ve come to understand the value of actually writing these things down. The act of putting your bucket list to paper is one step closer to making those things actually happen. Something miraculous occurs when we release our thoughts, dreams, wants and desires onto a sheet of paper. We become creators at that moment; bringing immaterial thoughts into material existence.

You’re on your way to making those dreams a reality!

Writing down your bucket list also creates a sense of personal accountability. You start an internal fire motivating you to check those items off your list. I don’t know about you, but I LOVE checking items off ANY list I make. In the same respect the items left un-checked, stare me in the face taunting me with the satisfaction of having a fully completed list.

Our Dreams

One of my dreams is to stand on all the tallest points and peaks of the world. For me, there are no better views than the ones I see from way up ‘there.’ Does that mean I am going to run out and attempt to climb Mount Everest tomorrow? Of course not! But, having this dream has already taken me to the tallest points in Thailand, Borneo, Africa, Arizona, and Colorado. Every time I achieve a new height, it is always followed by dreaming about the next one.

For Jessica, one of her dreams, like Rapunzel in Disney’s “Tangled,” was to see the floating lanterns gleam. For those not familiar with the movie – Jessica dreamed to see the mass lantern release that happens every year during the Thai festival, Yee Peng (Yi Peng). Long before Disney decided to borrow the festival for their story of Rupunzel, Jessica saw a short video where thousands of lanterns were released in unison; gently floating into the night sky. From that moment on she was in love and resolved, ‘one day,’ to see it in person for herself. We made this dream a reality together.

Beyond the joy and satisfaction of turning your own dreams into realities the act of helping someone else achieve theirs can be unbelievably rewarding; especially when it is for your partner. Seeing the glow of excitement and childlike wonder in their eyes is a value you can’t put a price on.

Seeing Jessica’s eyes all a glow standing beneath those lanterns was far more beautiful to me than the event itself.

If you, like Jessica, have a dream to see the floating lanterns in Thailand you can read more about it HERE

Your Dreams / Bucket List

So, what’s on your bucket list? What have you always dreamed about seeing or doing?

If you haven’t written out your own bucket list – start one! Spend the time to cultivate your dreams and please please please DREAM BIG! The world needs people with big dreams; now, more than ever.

Here are a few steps you can follow to get you in the right mindset and allow yourself to start dreaming again.

  • Set aside a little bit of quiet time. Make sure that you remove yourself from any distractions. First thing in the morning when your mind is fresh is a perfect time.
  • Sit comfortably with your eyes closed and take three deep breaths to center your mind and your attention.
  • Ask yourself, “what have I always dreamed to do or see?”
  • Allow your thoughts to flow freely. Do not limit any ideas you have by passing judgment as to how realistic anything may be.
  • When you’re ready and have identified a few dreams, open your eyes and start writing!
  • Save that list somewhere you will see it often and make it something you can come back to. Most importantly, make it something you continually add to.

Before you know it you’ll start making those dreams a reality and realize the potential and power dreaming truly has. The old saying, “you are only limited by your imagination,” will become more and more meaningful to you.


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