Making and setting new years resolutions is an important practice every 1st of January. This year how about including some travel resolutions?
Although we’ve learned from Einstein… time is relative and all… It shouldn’t really matter when we decide to check-in with ourselves and set new goals. What matters… is that we actually care and intentionally take the time to do so!
With that said, the beginning of a new year, on our Earthly calendar, is a perfect time for resolution-making. We’re hardwired to do so and get bombarded with reminders by the marketing efforts of fitness-based businesses in the world around this time of year. While fitness and health are very ambitious and popular resolutions that people choose, I invite you to think a little bigger with your resolutions this year. Like the WORLD big!
While you’re busy thinking of all the ways you’d like to improve yourself in 2020, why not also add a few travel destinations to that list of resolutions? After all, studies show travel can actually make you a healthier person!
But, let’s not just jot down, “I want to travel more.” Instead, lets some plans and nail down some specific destinations where you’d like to see yourself in 2020.

One of the benefits of including travel in your new year’s resolutions is you have a new calendar to work from. Your year is open and waiting for you to fill it with adventure and culturally rich experiences. Something you’ll enjoy far more than an extra twenty minutes a day on the treadmill.
In corporate America, any unused vacation time from the year before is either rolled over into the new year (if you’re lucky), or lost. If you’re one of those people who lost vacation time this past year because you didn’t take it, let’s make it a resolution, here and now, to use all your vacation days this year – traveling! Doing so will increase your productivity when back at work and make you happier and a more interesting person!
“Don’t listen to what they say, go see!!!”
-Chinese Proverb
New Years Travel Resolutions
To help you organize your dreams and travel resolutions for the year ahead, we’ve put together this worksheet. Download it, print it, and write your travel resolutions down!
I am a huge supporter of physically writing goals and resolutions down on paper. There is a bit of magic in the process of allowing those thoughts to flow from your mind through the body to your hand and come to life on paper. This process also makes you more accountable to yourself!

Travel Destinations in 2020
While you’re thinking about your new year’s travel resolutions, below are five places to consider visiting in the upcoming year.
1.) Peru – Home of the great Incan citadel Machu Picchu and the much-beloved Llamas!
2.) Japan – The host country for this year’s summer Olympics and the opening of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Osaka.
3.) Dubai – The host city for this year’s World Expo!
4.) Egypt – In 2020 the Grand Egyptian Museum scheduled to open in Giza and is said to be the most significant archaeological museum in the world.
5.) Crater Lake National National Park, Oregon – Sure you’re probably familiar with America’s most beautiful meadow and the world’s most famous geyser, but what about the deepest lake in the United States?
Want even more ideas? Have a look at National Geographic’s recommendations for travel in 2020.

Do you have a passport?
The current percentage of Americans that have a passport varies a bit from source to source. However, from my research, I’ve found roughly 40% of the Americans are passport holders.
If you don’t have one yet, put getting a passport on your list this year!
You can start here… U.S. Passport Application
Have you created a bucket list yet?
If you don’t have a bucket list, I encourage you to start one. I believe it’s hugely beneficial for everyone to keep a bucket list. To find out why… have a look at our post Travel Dreams Into Reality | The Value of Having a Bucket List.
Wishing you a Happy New Year!
May it be abundant in fresh experiences and rich in discovery!
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