by Humble and Free | Jun 30, 2020 | Adventure
It’s been a while since we’ve posted something for the joy of telling a story. Our recent travel trailer purchase is a perfect departure from some of our recent content to just tell a story. Finding the “Neverland Caravan” Let’s flashback to March 10th,...
by Humble and Free | Apr 5, 2020 | Adventure, Travel
In response to the outbreak of Covid-19 (coronavirus), the world is suddenly less accessible to travelers. The coronavirus has some areas under total lockdown, while others face restrictions on the size of social gatherings. We’ve come to accept social distancing is...
by Humble and Free | Mar 16, 2020 | Adventure
When traveling for a month or more, there comes a time when you feel some emotional tugs on your heart, a longing for the familiar comfort of home. I believe home and family can be interchangeable. There’s an old saying, “home is where the heart is.” That heart, I...
by Humble and Free | Dec 9, 2019 | Adventure, Travel
If you’re presently traveling for an extended time, planning a long backpacking trip, or moving toward the digital nomad flavor of life, there is a good chance you’ll end up spending a holiday or two on the road. If you find yourself far from home around...
by Humble and Free | Nov 25, 2019 | Adventure, Travel
Trips, travel, and journeys are always fun and carefree, right? Whenever someone else shares their travels, everything from the observer’s point of view looks utterly spectacular and magical. It’s easy to get lost in a manufactured story that portrays this person’s...
by Humble and Free | Aug 19, 2019 | Adventure, Better You
In the years we’ve gone to Burning Man we’ve done some pretty memorable things together on the Playa. The one thing that Jessica talks the most about though… was the year I planned a Date Night at Burning Man for us. That simple gesture meant so much to her and had a...